Eric Sweets is an enigmatic and visionary documentary short film director, whose work has captivated audiences worldwide. With a unique blend of artistry and storytelling, Eric has earned a reputation for producing thought-provoking and emotionally stirring films that leave a lasting impact on viewers.

Hailing from a background in visual arts and a profound passion for storytelling, Eric Sweets has always been drawn to the power of the moving image. He possesses an innate ability to weave together compelling narratives, combining breathtaking cinematography with evocative soundscapes to create immersive cinematic experiences.


1999-2001 AS Degree
Film & Television UCLA Extensions
1993-1995 AS Degree
Graphic design Platt College

“And i feel like i have a lot of work to
do. Still, i'm a student of the film”

Eric Sweets is an enigmatic and visionary documentary short film director, whose work has captivated audiences worldwide. With a unique blend of artistry and storytelling, Eric has earned a reputation for producing thought-provoking and emotionally stirring films that leave a lasting impact on viewers.